For Reviewers

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Before accepting or declining a request to review on behalf of GreeTech, please consider whether or not the manuscript is within your area of expertise, whether or not you have a conflict of interest, and whether or not you have the time to invest in a proper review. Please respond, to either accept or decline, as soon as you can. The system will automatically give you one week to make this decision.

Please show your comments on the article file (MS Word) sent to you. To make your final evaluation, fill out the "Reviewer Form". Please refer to line numbers in the article to be reviewed when making specific comments.

To start your review, please provide a short summary of the article. This shows the Editor that you have read and comprehended the article. Then, give your primary impressions of the article. Is it novel? Is it interesting? Will it have a significant impact on this area of research? Is it up to the standards of GreenTech?

Specific comments and suggestions will also help the authors improve the manuscript. It is helpful to concentrate on the experimental methodology, the discussion of the results, and the conclusions reached by the authors. To facilitate the revision process, comments about specific items in a reviewed article should be listed according to line number.

When you submit your review report using OJS, you will have the opportunity to provide your recommendation. This will be one of the following:

•  Accept Submission (no revisions required; this is quite rare)
• Revisions Required / Minor Revisions (manuscript will be acceptable after minor revisions; please provide an explanation of the revisions required in your review report)
• Revisions Required / Major Revisions (manuscript requires major revision, possibly with the addition of new experiments, and the reviewer wishes to evaluate the revised version)
• Decline Submission (manuscript is flawed in such a way that it should not be published)

If you suspect plagiarism, fraud, or any other type of scientific misconduct, please let the Editor know. Please provide as much detail as possible in these cases, e.g., citations of previously published material.

After considering all review reports, the Editor will ultimately determine the fate of a manuscript. Reviewers should be notified by OJS when the Editor has made a decision. If you have not received such a notification and wish to learn whether the article was accepted or rejected, please contact Dr. Birinci at