Aerodynamic Analysis of NACA 4412 Airfoil with CFD for Small Scale Wind Turbine Design
airfoil, aerodynamic, CFDAbstract
With the increasing population in our country, the need for energy is increasing. Therefore, interest in renewable and clean energy matters in recent years. The wind turbine obtains electricity from wind energy, which is a renewable energy source. One of the elements affecting the yield of wind turbines is aerodynamic properties of airfoils. In this study, CFD analysis of NACA 4412 Airfoil which can be used in small scale wind turbine design was performed. Compared to literature, there were differences in the number of Reynolds due to the size difference of airfoil. Therefore, small deviations occurred in the aerodynamic properties of airfoil. Additionally, in this study, it was concluded that 15˚ angle of attack is the stall angle for NACA 4412 airfoil. It has been observed that as the angle of attack increases, the Reynolds number decreases and the drag coefficient value increases. In other words, it has been concluded that aerodynamic performance is negatively affected by increasing the drag coefficient value. As a result of the analyses, results consistent with the experimental studies were obtained.
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