Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

All authors must sign a Copyright Transfer Form. The signature of the corresponding author is mandatory. In the event that the other author(s) cannot be reached and their signatures cannot be obtained, the corresponding author accepts the responsibility of the relevant author(s). The submitted manuscript should not be published elsewhere or under review for publication in any journal. All authors named in the manuscript acknowledge that they have reviewed and approved the submitted manuscript. The journal is not responsible for any problems that may arise between authors such as name order. The article must be prepared in accordance with the writing rules specified by the journal.

The author(s) of the article have acknowledged that they waive the copyright of the article, transfer this right to the Journal of Green Technology and Environment (GreenTech) and authorize GreenTech to publish the article. The author(s) of the article accept that all texts, figures, graphs, photographs and charts given in the article belong to the authors of the article, that all kinds of information received from other researchers are made by citing the source within the framework of ethical rules, and that the author(s) of the article are responsible for any ethical offence.

Articles submitted to GreenTech are primarily evaluated by the editor-in-chief. Articles not suitable for the scope of the journal are rejected at this stage.

If there is no significant deficiency in the articles suitable for the GreenTech scope, peer review is initiated. Reviewer invitation period is 1 week and reviewer evaluation period is 2 weeks. The authors are given a minimum of 1 week and a maximum of 4 weeks to make the necessary corrections on the article in line with the opinions of the reviewers. A minimum of 1 day and a maximum of 7 days is given for the final control phase.

Articles submitted to GreenTech cannot be withdrawn if they have passed the preliminary evaluation stage and have been sent to the referees.

Each article submitted to the journal is reviewed by two referees. If both referees give a favourable opinion, the article is accepted. If both referees give a negative opinion, the article is rejected. If one of the referees gives a positive and the other a negative opinion, a third referee is consulted. A decision on the articles submitted to the journal is made at the end of three months at the latest.

Journal of Green Technology and Environment is committed to maintaining the highest level of integrity in the content published.

This journal has a Conflict of Interest policy in place and complies with international, national and/or institutional standards on research involving Human Participants and/or Animals and Informed Consent.

The journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and subscribes to its principles on how to deal with acts of misconduct thereby committing to investigate allegations of misconduct in order to ensure the integrity of research.

The journal may use plagiarism detection software to screen the submissions. If plagiarism is identified, the (COPE) guidelines on plagiarism will be followed.

Content published in this journal is peer reviewed (Double Blind).