Determination of Shore D Hardness Value and Surface Roughness Parameters in Okan (Cylicodiscus gabunensis [Taub.] Harms) Wood
surface roughness, shore D hardness, Cylicodiscus gabunensisAbstract
In this study, changes in surface roughness parameters (Ra, Rz and Rq) and the shore D hardness value of okan wood (Cylicodiscus gabunensis [Taub.] Harms) used in various areas such as garden furniture and carving and turning, against different numbered sandpapers (80, 100, 120, 150, and 180) commonly used abroad, were investigated. According to the obtained results, variance analyses exhibited significant outcomes for all parameter values. Ra, Rz and Rq values showed a decreasing trend with an increase in sandpaper number. Ra values were found to be 8.806 µm for 80 grit, 7.335 µm for 100 grit, 6.186 µm for 120 grit, 5.290 µm for 150 grit, and 4.092 µm for 180 grits. Additionally, the hardness value was determined to be 73.80 HD.
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