Effect of Heat Treatment at 200 Degrees on Shore D Hardness Values of Wood Materials of Some Tropical Tree Species
shore D hardness, heat treatment, wood materialAbstract
The application of heat treatment leads to various changes in wood properties (mechanical, chemical, physical, biological, surface, etc.). In this study, changes in shore D hardness tests following heat treatment at 200°C for 3 h were determined for wood species including ako (Antiaris toxicaria), amarillo (Centrolobium patinense), angelim amargosa (Vataireopsis araroba (Aguiar) Ducke), onzabili / angongui (Antrocaryon klaineanum), bosse (Guarea cedrata), burkea (Burkea africana), keruing (Dipterocarpus spp.), mangga (Mangifera odorata), niangon (Tarrietia utilis), and rode sali (Tetragastris altissima). According to the results, variance analyses were found to be significant. When looking at the rate of decrease obtained, it is observed that for onzabili / angongui it is 16.63%, for ako it is 8.96%, for amarillo it is 10.47%, for bosse it is 26.76%, for angelim amargosa it is 7.00%, for burkea it is 7.11%, for mangga it is 11.33%, for keruing it is 10.03%, for niangon it is 10.53%, and for rode sali it is 13.01%. Decreases in wood species were identified after heat treatment.
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