Investigation of the Effect of Some Parameters on Screw Holding Resistance of OSB Used in Buildings




OSB, screw holding resistance, pilot hole, screw diameter, glue


In this study, research has been carried out on how to provide a better screw holding resistance against the factors that the oriented strand board (OSB) used in structural areas is exposed to in the joint region. In the research, the effects of screw diameter, glue type, pilot hole diameter, screwing direction and exposure to water on the screw holding resistance of 18 mm thick OSBs were investigated. According to the experimental results, it was determined that injecting glue into the pilot hole significantly increased the screw holding resistance of OSBs. In addition, when the screwing direction parameter is evaluated, the screw holding resistance test results performed on the face of the OSB boards were higher than those performed from the edge. When the screw diameter variable was examined, it was determined that the screw diameter was directly proportional to the screw holding resistance.


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How to Cite

Yörür, H. (2023). Investigation of the Effect of Some Parameters on Screw Holding Resistance of OSB Used in Buildings. Journal of Green Technology and Environment, 1(1), 6–11.



Research Articles