The Impact of Attitudes towards Certified Forest Products on Purchase Intention: The Moderating Role of Subjective Product Knowledge
Certified forest products, FSC, attitude, purchase intention, subjective product knowledgeAbstract
In this study, the impact of attitudes towards certified forest products on the certified forest products purchase intention, and the moderating role of subjective product knowledge in this relationship, were investigated in the context of sustainable consumption. The study was conducted specifically on Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified forest products. A quantitative research method was adopted, and data was collected from consumers through surveys. The data was analyzed using statistical methods. Hypotheses were developed and evaluated in accordance with the purpose of the study. Structural equation modeling was conducted to test the hypotheses, and path analysis was used to assess the moderating effect. The results of the study indicate that attitudes towards FSC certified forest products have a positive and significant impact on the FSC certified forest products purchase intention, and that subjective product knowledge has a moderating role in this relationship. It has been seen that if the subjective product knowledge is high, the attitude affects the purchase intention more.
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